DIY Murphy-Bed Style Golf Sim

I’m now in my 3rd year of golf sim-ing in my garage. The first year I purchased my Garmin R10 and a cheap golf net off Amazon. Eventually I added a cheap projector and a $20 Walmart projector screen that I zip tied to the net. While this worked pretty well, it wasn’t very secure or pretty. It also allowed bad shanks to fly around the garage.

Last year, I decided to step my game up a little, and I built a basic hitting bay out of sports nets and EMT piping. I used the guide from GunghoGolf’s blog as a starting point. The hardest part was stitching the nets together. I used 550 paracord and painstakingly weaved it to join the nets at the edges.

Now I’m in my third year of my garage golf sim and decided to pull out all the stops. My biggest gripe with having the simulator was that I couldn’t use my garage while it was up. It just took up too much space. I saw this company was making murphy-bed style folding simulators. This seemed like the perfect thing, but they ain’t cheap. I figured I could design and build one myself for a fraction of the price.

Bill of Materials (BOM)

(in progress)

  • 2×4s for cabinet frame
  • 1×4s for door frame
  • Particle Board for doors
  • 6x 6” Tee Hinges
  • 12ft of Lowe’s Grizzly Grass
  • 1/4” plywood sheathing (for flooring)
  • 1×2s for floor frame
  • 1 1/2” foam insulation

Purchased Software & Equipment

  • 123x96 Custom Carl’s Golf Screen (For built-in rooms)
  • BenQ TH671ST Projector
  • Garmin Approach R10 (Launch Monitor)
  • Sigpro Softy Hitting Strip


Getting started…

Starting on the framing

Starting to look like a cabinet

Adding the doors (they’re big ones)

Doors are on!

and they work like doors! (You can also see that I’ve relocated my garage door opener to a jack-shaft style around this time)

Got the doors painted black and started on the floor panels

Adding “Grizzly Grass” carpet from Lowe’s.

Screen is up! Also adding some top netting that folds out and clips onto my ceiling.

Finished space!

#TODO: I still need to add some hinges and a hoist to pull the flooring up into the cabinet, but once I was able to start playing rounds on it, it got very hard to finish those last few last bits.

If you’re on the fence about building a sim, GO FOR IT! Cheers!

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Page last modified: Oct 1 2024.